An incomplete developer’s cheat sheet, including bash, Anaconda, Pip, Git and Django.
# change directory
cd ~ #root
cd dir
# print current working dir
# list files
ls -alh #a-all, h-human-readibility
# create new file/dir
vim 1.txt
echo "hello" >> 1.txt # create new and feed it with hello
mkdir dir
# concateenate/print files
cat 1.txt #all
tail -n 1.txt #last n lines
head -n 1.txt #first n lines
# cp file/dir
cp a.txt b.txt
cp -R dir1 dir2
cp -n a b #without overwritten
# rename/move
mv -f ./f1 ~/home/f2
find . -name "*txt" -exec mv {} /new/place \; # lots of files
# delete files/folder
rm file.txt
rm -r folder
# open file with specific app
open a.log -a ultraedit
# zip/unzip
zip -r data/
zip -r data2/1.txt #update
grep key *.txt #searching key from .txt files
top #cpu usuage
df -H, du -hs # free disk and used disk
# count number of files/lines/words
find dir -type f | wc -l #files
# | is piping and redirection, >> for concatentate or override
ls -l | wc -l a.txt #lines/words, or size of the file
du -hs * | sort #total Disk Usage of the directory in a Human reabible Summary mode
head -5 1.txt >> 2.txt #append the first 5 lines of 1.txt -> 2.txt
tail -n +2 -q a.txt >> b.txt #append from 2nd line to the end of file a.txt -> b.txt
cat 1.txt 2.txt > 3.txt #merge files 1.txt and 2.txt and output -> 3.txt
curl -O #crawl page
★ grep: globally search a regular expression and print
ps #list all current processes
ps -ef | grep java #searching all processes with 'java' in names
ps aux | grep `z` # searching the Zombie processes
#kill processes
kill pid #by id
pkill -9 -u `id -u username` # by username
nohup java -jar horse.jar & # run processes to background
echo $! #recent process
nohup: Close a terminal without killing a running process, or move running processes to background. If standard output is the terminal, it will be redirected to nohup.out
connect #vpn connection
ssh username@host #ssh login a remote server
scp username@host:/src/ local/ #copy from remote to local
scp local/*.java username@host:/src/ #copy from local to remote
echo "set completion-ignore-case On" >> ~/.inputrc
python -m http.server
python3 -m django --version
All applications must be created following some specific Django conventions. Django has many utilities to create related directories and files automatically, s.t. we can focus on the core code.
: a project container
: a command line utility to interact with djsite
: configuration file (e.g. set up a database)
the URL declarations for djsite
: defines an entry-point for WSGI-compatible web servers to serve djsite
: creates models for application
: add a url in for each djapp and connect it to djsite/ with an include clause
: interface to register and manage models
: propagate changes made to the models (adding a field, deleting a model) into the database
django-admin startproject djsite
python3 runserver
python3 startapp djapp
git clone
git add *
git commit -a
git push -u origin master
git branch bname #create a new branch
git branch -a #list all branches (including all remote ones)
git branch -d/-D bname # delete an obsolete branch in safe mode/forcefully
git push origin :bname #delete a branch on remote server
git branch -m newname #rename current branch
git checkout bname (or master) #switch curr branch & update the working dir to match
git merge branch1 branch2 #merge branch1 and branch2 into CURRENT branch
git pull origin rep1 rep2 #pulls in changes from the remote `rep1` and `rep2` branches
git reset --hard origin/master
profile image -> settings -> developer settings -> personal access tokens -> generate new tokens
svn checkout
is a package manager used to install and manage software package in python.
- pip install pkgname
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- pip install pkgname --upgrade
- pip install pkgname -U
- pip install git+
- pip uninstall pkgname
shell echo $SHELL
If the supported shell is /bin/sh the smart auto-complete may be locked up, change the shell
chsh -s /bin/bash username
chsh usermod -s /bin/bash username
gcc -Wall -Werror main.c
./a.out parameters
mpicc mpi.c
mpiexec -n 5 ./a.out
java main
java -jar main.jar parameters
pdflatex report.tex
python3 -m http.server
default filename of build used by Ant. When you run ant
without parameter, it will use the file to figure out what to do.
is the default filename to describe a maven project so that when you run mvn compile
, it will use the file to build the project.
Eclipse can import a project based on an Ant build file or a pom file, and create the appropriate .project
and .classpth
A word file (.uew
) is a plain text configuration file that UE uses to highlight keywords in source code files. It also supports other features like code folding, brace matching, function listing and more.
Package Manager + Environment Manager + Additional Scientific Libraries.
# specify python version
conda install python=3.5
# list all created environments
conda env list
# create a new environment
conda create -n env_reinforcement
# activate env_reinforcement
source activate env_reinforcement
# list all installed packages in an environment
conda list
# install a package for an environment
conda install --name env_reinforcement scipy
# install opencv, see [^f1]
conda install -c menpo opencv3
# full uninstall using Anaconda-Clean and simple remove
conda install anaconda-clean
# remove all Anaconda-related files and directories without being prompted to delete each one
anaconda-clean --yes
# remove all packages installed via pip
pip freeze | xargs pip uninstall -y
# remove unused archives installed via homebrew
brew cleanup
# uninstall all the packages install through Homebrew
brew remove --force $(brew list) --ignore-dependencies
# export/create conda environment to/from yaml file for reproduce
conda env export > environment.yml
conda env create -f environment.yml
python package install
python package install
conda create -n tensorflow
source activate tensorflow
pip install --ignore-installed --upgrade TF_PYTHON_URL