A collection of research papers, open sources on social choice theory.
PrefPy and OPRA: Online Preference Reporting and Aggregation Supported by Lirong Xia’s Group
SVVAMP: Simulator of Various Voting Algorithms in Manipulating Populations
BallotBox: Java library of social choice rules
Scoring Rules: Plurality Vote, Approval Voting, Run-Off Vote, Hare’s Procedure, Inverse Plurality Vote, Borda’s Rule, Sum Vote, Inverse Borda Rule, Coomb’s Procedure, Nanson’s Procedure
Rules Using Majority Relation: Condorcet Vote, Fishburn’s Rule, Uncovered Set I, Uncovered Set II, Richelson Rule
Rules Using Value Function: Copeland’s Rule Net, Copeland’s Rule Out, Copeland’s Rule In
Rules Using Tournament Matrix: Maxmin Procedure, Minmax Procedure
q-Paretian Rules: Strong q-Paretian Simple Majority Rule, Strong q-Paretian Plurality Rule, Strongest q-Paretian Simple Majority Rule
Matlab implementation of winner determination algorithms
Primary votes: Dictator, Random (Hat), First Past the Post (FPP), Runoff
non-Condorcet Preferential: Single Transferable Vote (STV or Instant Runoff, Alternative Vote), Coombs, Borda (Nanson, Baldwin), Bucklin
Condorcet: Copeland, Kemeny-Young, RankedPairs, Schulze, Smith, Schwartz, Landau (a.k.a Uncovered set or Fishburn set), Minimax vote, Minimax Margin
Ruby: Plurality, Approval, Borda, Condorcet (w/ Cloneproof SSD), Instant Runnoff Voting | By Benjamin Mako Hill |