It’s a lecture note of an advanced algorithm class Randomized Algorithms. I made some efforts to take notes and understand related materials. To analyze and design an efficient algorithm, many valuable tools and advanced techniques are introduced, e.g., Chernoff bounds, Derandomization.
Asymptotic analysis concentrates on the change in running time when increasing the size of an algorithm’s inputs, e.g. double the input size. It avoids the perturbation from machines in analysis.
For a function $f(n)$, three sets of functions
\[\begin{array}{rl} O(f(n))&=\bigg\{g(n)\big|\exists \varepsilon > 0, N > 0, s.t. |g(n)| \ge c|f(n)|, \forall n\ge N\bigg\},\\ \Omega(f(n))&=\bigg\{g(n)\big|\exists \varepsilon > 0, N > 0, s.t. |g(n)| \le c|f(n)|, \forall n\ge N\bigg\},\\ \Theta(f(n))&=\bigg\{g(n)\big|\exists \varepsilon > 0, N > 0, s.t. |g(n)| = c|f(n)|, \forall n\ge N\bigg\}, \end{array}\]are defined to express the asymptotic behavior of an algorithm’s running time in terms of upper bound, lower bound, both the upper bound and the lower bound, respectively.
Suppose an algorithm requires at least $\sqrt{\log n/n}$ steps, its complexity is $\Omega(\sqrt{\log n/n})$. Another algorithm requires at most $n^2$ rounds, therefore has complexity of $O(n^2)$.
The design and analysis of a randomized algorithm is to show that the randomized behaviors in execution is likely to be good, on every input. A randomized algorithm makes random choices during execution and its behaviors vary even given the same inputs.
However, a deterministic algorithm will output the same outputs when given the same inputs. It follows a fixed procedure and provides deterministic output. Also, the randomized algorithms are different from the probabilistic analysis of algorithms, where the input is assumed to be drawn from a specific probability distribution, and show that the algorithm works for most inputs.
Randomized algorithms can be roughly categorized into two classifications: the Las Vega algorithms and the Monte Carlo algorithms.
A Las Vegas algorithm always produce the correct answer, but its running time is a random variable whose expectation is bounded.
A Monte Carlo algorithm runs for a fixed number of steps, and produces an answer that is correct with a lower-bounded probability.
These probabilities and expectations are determined by the random choices and independent of the inputs. Therefore, the repetitions of Monte Carlo can drive down the failure probability exponentially.
QuickSort algorithm is an efficient sorting method, it places the elements of an array in ascending order. It’s a divide and conquer algorithm, it picks a pivot element in each step, and divides a larger set into two smaller subsets, s.t all elements in one subset is smaller than the pivot element, all elements in another subset is greater than the pivot element. It recursively applies the partition strategy to these subsets until all elements are in order. The time complexity of QuickSort is $O(n\log n)$, and an easier randomized QuickSort algorithm as indicated in Table [alg:randquicksort] can obtain the same level complexity.
The expected number of comparisons of RandQS is at most $2nH_n$.
The comparison operations happen in step 8 - 10. Let $S_{(i)}$ be the element in $S$ with rank $i$, i.e. the $i$th smallest element. Let $X_{ij}$ indicates whether there is a comparison between $S_{(i)}$ and $S_{(j)}$ in the execution of RandQS, where $j > i$. The execution result of RandQS is a binary tree, each node corresponds to a pivot element. Considering a permutation $\pi$ of the elements: visiting in up-bottom order, and then from left to right within the same level. Then, $\pi$ can be viewed as the order of picking pivot elements. If the pair has a comparison, one of them must be the ancestor of another one. Also, all other elements with ranks between $i$ and $j$ should not be picked earlier than either $S_{(i)}$ or $S_{(j)}$. Otherwise, it will cause the partition of $S_{(i)}$ or $S_{(j)}$ to its two children, such that there is no chance to make comparison. Therefore, we should consider all elements with ranks from $i$ to $j$, and compute the probability that either $S_{(i)}$ or $S_{(j)}$ are picked firstly, which is $Pr(X_{ij}=1)=2/(j-i+1)$.
The total number of comparison in the execution of RandQS is $X=\sum_{i=1}^n \sum_{j>i} X_{ij}$, and its expectation can be computed
\[\mathbb E[X] = \sum_{i=1}^n \sum_{j>i} \mathbb E[X_{ij}] = \sum_{i=1}^n \sum_{j>i} Pr(X_{ij}=1) = \sum_{i=1}^n \sum_{j=i+1}^n \frac{2}{j-i+1} \le \sum_{i=1}^n \sum_{d=1}^n \frac{2}{d} = 2nH_n.\]A set $S$ of $n$ elements The elements of $S$ in ascending order
$S_1\leftarrow {\varnothing}$, $S_2\leftarrow {\varnothing}$ Randomly pick a pivot element $y$
$C\leftarrow {y}$
$S_1\leftarrow S_1\cup{S[i]}$ if $S[i] \le y$ $S_2\leftarrow S_2\cup{S[i]}$ if $S[i] > y$
$C\leftarrow QS(S_1) \cup C$
$C\leftarrow C\cup QS(S_2)$ $C$
Given $n$ non-intersecting line segments in the plane build a small linear decision tree that has (pieces of) at most one segment in each cell.
Karger’s Min-Cut: repeat and contract $2\binom{n}{2} \ln n \in O(n^2\ln n)$ times, retain the best cut with total cost $O(n^4\ln n)$. It ends with non-zero probability to find a min-cut.
Given $G=(V,E)$, find a partition $S, T$ of $V$, i.e. $S\cup T=V, S\cap T={\varnothing}$, s.t. the size of $\underline{cut}(S,T)={(u,v)\in E|u\in S, v\in T}$ is maximized.
Suppose there are $n$ different types of coupons, and a coupon is chosen at random at each trial. Each random coupon is equally likely be of any of the $n$ types, and the random choices of the coupons are mutually independent. To collect on of each type of coupon, at least how many trails are required?
Let $X$ be the number of trials required to collect at least one of each type of coupon. We determine $\mathbb E[X]$. Let $X_i$ be the number of additional trials for another new type of coupon while exactly $i-1$ different types of coupon have been collected, $1\le i\le n$ and $X=\sum_{i=1}^n X_i$. It’s obvious, $X_i$ has geometric distribution with parameter $p_i$. To be success, it requires to collect a type of coupon which is different from previous $i-1$ types. The probability is $p_i=1-(i-1)/n$.
At the beginning, no coupon is collected. To collect a new type of coupon, only one additional trail is required, and the probability of being success is $Pr(X_1=1)=p_1=1$.
Let’s compute the expectation for $X$
\[\mathbb E[X]=\sum_{i=1}^n \mathbb E[X_i] = \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{1}{p_i} = \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{n}{n-i+1} = nH_n.\]The harmonic number $H_n=\sum_{i=1}^n 1/i$ satisfies
\[H_n=\ln n + \Theta(1).\]Because $f(x)=1/x$ is monotonically decreasing, we apply the geometric properties of an integral operation over $1/x$ and have
\[\sum_{k=2}^n \frac{1}{k}\le \ln n = \int_1^n \frac{1}{x} dx \le \sum_{k=1}^n \frac{1}{k},\]hence $\ln n\le H_n\le \ln n + 1$, we end the proof.
We analysis the probability that $X$ derivates from its expectation $nH_n=n\ln n + \Theta(n)$ by amount of $cn$, where $c$ is real constant. Let $\epsilon_i^r$ denote the event that coupon type $i$ is not collected in the first $r$ trials. Therefore, \(Pr(\epsilon_i^r) = (1-\frac{1}{n})^r \le e^{-r/n}.\) Suppose the number of trials $X$ required is greater than $r=\beta n\ln n$, then at least one of the events ${\epsilon_i^r}_{i=1}^n$ must happen. Apply the union bound, we can write
\[Pr(X>r) = Pr(\cup_{i=1}^n \epsilon_i^r) \le \sum_{i=1}^n Pr(\epsilon_i^r) \le ne^{-r/n} = n^{-\beta+1}.\]When $\beta = 2$, $Pr(X>2n\ln n) \le 1/n$.
Analysis the probability that the randomized median algorithm fails, including 3 reasons:
$\varepsilon_1$: $ | {r\in R | r\le m} | < 1/2 n^{3/4}-\sqrt n$, |
$\varepsilon_2$: $ | {r\in R | r\ge m} | < 1/2 n^{3/4}-\sqrt n$, |
$\varepsilon_3$: $ | C | > 4 n^{3/4}$. |
Therefore, $Pr(Fails) = Pr(\varepsilon_1\cup\varepsilon_2\cup\varepsilon_3)=Pr(\varepsilon_1) + Pr(\varepsilon_2) + Pr(\varepsilon_3)$
A set $S$ of $n$ elements are a totally ordered university The median element in $S$, denoted $m$ $R\leftarrow$ uniformly sample $\ceil{n^{3/4}}$ elements from $S$ with replacement Sort $R$ $d\leftarrow$ the $\ceil{1/2n^{3/4}- \sqrt n}$th smallest element in $R$ $u\leftarrow$ the $\ceil{1/2n^{3/4}+ \sqrt n}$th smallest element in $R$ $C\leftarrow {\varnothing}$ $n_d,n_u\leftarrow 0$ $n_d \leftarrow n_d + 1$, if $S[i] < d$ $n_u \leftarrow n_u + 1$, if $S[i] > u$ $C\leftarrow C\cup {S[i]}$, if $d\le S[i]\le u$ Sort $C$
Let ${X_i}{i=1}^n$ be independent *Poisson trails* s.t. for $1\le i\le n$, $Pr(X_i=1)=p_i$, where $0<p_i<1$. Then, for $X=\sum{i=1}^n X_i$, $\mu=\mathbb E(X)=\sum_{i=1}^n p_i$. If $p=p_i, \forall 1\le i\le n$, ${X_i}_{i=1}^n$ are a.k.a Bernoulli trails, and $X$ is said to have the binomial distribution.
To bound the probability that a random variable deviates from its expectation, many useful techniques are available, e.g. Markov’s inequality and Chebyshev’s inequality. There are several questions regarding the deviation of $X$ from its expectation $\mu$:
given $\delta>0$, what’s the probability that $X$ exceeds $(1+\delta)\mu$?
given a small $\epsilon>0$ (e.g. 0.01), how large need $\delta$ be s.t. $Pr[X\ge(1+\delta)\mu] \le \epsilon$?
To answer these questions, a very useful technique known as the Chernoff bounds was proposed. It’s extremely useful in designing and analyzing randomized algorithms. Chernoff bounds are all formulated in terms of Moment Generating Function (MGF), and we give it a brief introduce.
The expectation of $e^{tX}$ is the moment generating function of $X$, and denoted as $M_X(t)=\mathbb E[e^{tX}],\forall t>0$.
MGF has several useful properties:
If ${X_i}{i=1}^n$ are independent, and $Y=\sum{i=1}^n c_i X_i, \forall c_i\in\mathbb R$, then the PDF of $Y$ is the convolution of the PDF of ${X_i}_{i=1}^n$, and its MGF
\[M_Y(t) = \prod\limits_{i=1}^n M_{X_i}(c_it),\forall t\in \mathbb R.\]$\mathbb E[X^n] = M_X^{(n)}(0)$.
If $X$ is a random variable with expectation $\mu_X$, then
\[Pr(X\ge t) \le \mu_X/t, \forall t > 0.\]According to the definition of expectation of $X$, we have
\[\begin{array}{rl} \mu_X & = \mathbb E[X] = \sum\limits_{\forall x} xPr(X=x)\\ & =\sum\limits_{\forall x \ge t} xPr(X=x)+\sum\limits_{\forall x < t} xPr(X=x) \\ & \ge \sum_{\forall x \ge t} tPr(X=x) = tPr(X\ge t). \end{array}\]Divide both sides by $t$, we get $Pr(X\ge t)\le \mathbb E[X]/t,\forall t>0$.
If $X$ is a random variable with variance $\sigma_X^2$, then
\[Pr(|X-\mu_X| \ge t \sigma_X) \le 1/t^2, \forall t>0.\]Let $Y=(X-\mu_X)^2$, then $\mathbb E(X-\mu_X)^2 = \sigma_X^2$. Applying Markov’s inequality, we get
\[Pr(|X-\mu_X|\ge t) = Pr(Y\ge t^2) \le \mu_Y/t^2 = \mathbb E(X-\mu_X)^2/t^2=(\sigma_X/t)^2,\]then $Pr( | X-\mu_X | \ge t\sigma_X) \le 1/t^2$. |
Given $n$ independent Poisson trials ${X_i}{i=1}^n$ with $Pr[X_i=1]=p_i\in (0,1)$, $1\le i\le n$, and the sum $X=\sum{i=1}^n X_i$ has its expectation $\mu=\mathbb E(X)=\sum_{i=1}^n p_i$. These bounds on the tail probability
\[\begin{aligned} Pr[X \ge (1 + \delta)\mu] & \le & \bigg[\frac{e^\delta}{(1+\delta)^{1+\delta}}\bigg]^\mu, \forall \delta > 0\\ Pr[X \ge (1 + \delta)\mu] & \le & e^{-\mu \delta^2/3}, \forall \delta \in (0, 1]\\ Pr[X\ge R] & \le & 2^{-R}, R\ge 6\mu\end{aligned}\]hold.
The first bound is the strongest one, and from it we derive the others, which are easier in statement and computing.
It’s obvious, $Pr[X \ge (1 + \delta)\mu] = Pr[e^{tX} \ge e^{t(1 + \delta)\mu}]$, $\forall t > 0$. According to Markov’s inequality, $Pr[e^{tX} \ge e^{t(1 + \delta)\mu}] \le \mathbb E[e^{tX}]/e^{t(1 + \delta)\mu}$. Because ${X_i}{i=1}^n$ are independent, therefore ${e^{tX_i}}{i=1}^n$ are independent as well. Therefore,
\[\mathbb E[e^{tX}]=\prod\limits_{i=1}^n \mathbb E[e^{tX_i}]=\prod\limits_{i=1}^n [p_i e^t + (1-p_i)]=\prod\limits_{i=1}^n [1+p_i (e^t - 1)].\]With the fact that $e^x \ge 1 + x$ and set $x=p_i (e^t - 1)$, we have
\[\prod\limits_{i=1}^n [1+p_i (e^t - 1)] \le \prod\limits_{i=1}^n \exp\big(p_i (e^t - 1)\big)=\exp\bigg(\sum\limits_{i=1}^n p_i (e^t - 1)\bigg)=\exp((e^t - 1)\mu).\]Thus, $Pr[e^{tX} \ge e^{t(1 + \delta)\mu}] \le \mathbb E[e^{tX}]/e^{t(1 + \delta)\mu} \le \exp((e^t - 1)\mu - t(1 + \delta)\mu)$. To obtain a tight upper bound, we minimize the RHS of the inequality. Let $f(t)=(e^t - 1)\mu - t(1 + \delta)\mu$, we minimize it by solving $f’(t)=\mu e^t -(1 + \delta)\mu = 0$, and get $t=\ln(1+\delta)>0$, where $f(t)$ reaches its minimum since $f’‘(t)=\mu e^t > 0$. Plugging it to the above inequality gives
\[Pr[X \ge (1 + \delta)\mu] \le \exp(\delta\mu - \ln(1+\delta)(1 + \delta)\mu) = \bigg[\frac{e^\delta}{(1+\delta)^{1+\delta}}\bigg]^\mu.\]We show $[\frac{e^\delta}{(1+\delta)^{1+\delta}}]^\mu \le e^{-3\mu\delta^2/3}$. We define $g(\delta)=\delta - (1+\delta)\ln (1+\delta) + \delta^2/3$, then $g’(\delta)=-\ln(1+\delta) + 2/3\delta$, $g’’(\delta)=2/3 - 1/(1+\delta)$. With $g’‘(1/2)=g’(0)=g(0)=0$, $g’(1)=2/3-\ln 2 < 0$, we have
$\delta \in (0,1/2)$: $g’’(\delta) < 0$, $g’(\delta) < g’(0) = 0$,
$\delta \in (1/2,1)$: $g’’(\delta) > 0$, $g’(\delta) < g’(1) < 0$.
Above all, $g’(\delta) \le 0,\forall \delta\in[0,1]$, thus $g(\delta) \le 0$, and $Pr[X \ge (1 + \delta)\mu] \le e^{-\mu \delta^2/3}$.
To prove the last bound, let $R=(1+\delta)\mu \ge 6\mu$, then $\delta \le 5$, and applying the first bound
\[Pr(X\ge R) \le \bigg[\frac{e^\delta}{(1+\delta)^{1+\delta}}\bigg]^\mu \le \bigg[\frac{e}{1+\delta}\bigg]^{\mu(1+\delta)} \le \big[\frac{e}{6}\big]^{\mu(1+\delta)} \le 2^{-R}.\]Given $n$ independent Poisson trials ${X_i}{i=1}^n$ with $Pr[X_i=1]=p_i\in (0,1)$, $1\le i\le n$, and the sum $X=\sum{i=1}^n X_i$ has its expectation $\mu=\mathbb E(X)=\sum_{i=1}^n p_i$. The bounds on the tail probability
\[\begin{aligned} \label{eq:low_chernoff_poisson_1} Pr[X \le (1 - \delta)\mu] & \le &\big[\frac{e^{-\delta}}{(1-\delta)^{1-\delta}}\big]^\mu\\ \label{eq:low_chernoff_poisson_2} Pr[X \le (1 - \delta)\mu] & \le & e^{-\mu\delta^2/2}\end{aligned}\]Apply Markov’s inequality with $t<0$, we get
\[\begin{array}{rl} Pr[X \le (1 - \delta)\mu] & = Pr[e^{tX} \ge e^{t(1 - \delta)\mu}] \le \mathbb E[e^{tX}]e^{-t(1-\delta)\mu}\\ & = \prod_{i=1}^n \mathbb E[e^{tX_i}] e^{-t(1-\delta)\mu} \le \prod_{i=1}^n e^{p_i(e^t-1)}e^{-t(1-\delta)\mu}\\ & = e^{(e^t-1)\mu -t(1-\delta)\mu}. \end{array}\]Let $t=\ln(1-\delta)<0$, we show that
\[Pr[X \le (1 - \delta)\mu] \le \bigg[\frac{e^{-\delta}}{(1-\delta)^{1-\delta}}\bigg]^\mu.\]To show $\big[\frac{e^{-\delta}}{(1-\delta)^{1-\delta}}\big]^\mu \le e^{-\mu\delta^2/2}$ equivalently to show $\mu[-\delta - (1-\delta)\ln(1-\delta)] \le -\mu\delta^2/2$. Let $f(\delta) = -\delta - (1-\delta)\ln(1-\delta) + \delta^2/2$, we have $f(0)=0$, $f’(\delta)=\ln(1-\delta) + \delta$, and $f’’(\delta)=1-1/(1-\delta) < 0$. Since $f’(0)=0$, so $f’(\delta)\le 0$ in $[0,1)$ and $f(\delta) \le 0$.
Let ${X_i}{i=1}^n$ be the independent random variables with $Pr(X_i=1)=Pr(X_i=-1)=1/2$, ${X_i}$ are a.k.a *Rademacher* random variables. Let $X=\sum{i=1}^n X_i$. For any $c>0$
\[\begin{aligned} Pr(X\ge c) & \le & e^{-c^2/2n}\\ Pr(X\le -c) & \le & e^{-c^2/2n}\\ Pr(|X|\ge c) & \le & 2e^{-c^2/2n}\end{aligned}\]Applying Markov’s inequality, we have
\[Pr(X\ge c) = Pr(e^{tX} \ge e^{tc})\le \mathbb E[e^{tX}]/e^{tc}=\prod_{i=1}^n \mathbb E[e^{tX_i}]/e^{tc}, \forall t > 0.\]For any $t\in \mathbb R$, $\mathbb E[e^{tX_i}] = e^t/2 + e^{-t}/2$, we merge them using the Taylor’s series
\[\begin{array}{rl} e^t & = 1 + t + \frac{t^2}{2!} + \frac{t^3}{3!}+\cdots,\\ e^{-t} & = 1 - t + \frac{t^2}{2!} -\frac{t^3}{3!}+\cdots, \end{array}\]then $\mathbb E[e^{tX_i}]=1+\frac{t^2}{2!}+\frac{t^4}{4!}+\cdots=\sum_{i=0}^\infty \frac{t^{2i}}{(2i)!}$. The product of the even terms of $(2i)!$ is $\prod_{n=1}^i (2n) = 2^i i! \le (2i)!$ and $\mathbb E[e^{tX_i}]\le \sum_{i=0}^\infty \frac{(t^2/2)^i}{i!}=e^{t^2/2}$. Thus, $Pr(X\ge c)\le e^{nt^2/2-tc}$. Let , then $nt^2/2-tc=-c^2/2n$, $Pr(X\ge c)\le e^{-c^2/2n}$.
The symmetry of $X$ leads to $Pr(X\le -c) \le e^{-c^2/2n}$ and $Pr(|X|\ge c) \le 2e^{-c^2/2n}$.
Let ${Y_i}{i=1}^n$ be the independent random variables with $Pr(Y_i=1)=Pr(Y_i=0)=1/2$, ${Y_i}$ are a.k.a *Bernounlli* random variables with $p=1/2$. Let $Y=\sum{i=1}^n Y_i$, then $\mu=n/2$.
\[\begin{aligned} Pr(Y\le \mu - c) & \le & e^{-2c^2/n}, \forall 0< c < \mu\\ Pr(Y\le (1-\delta)\mu) & \le & e^{-\delta^2\mu}, \forall 0 < \delta < 1\end{aligned}\]Let $X_i=2Y_i-1$, it has the Rademacher distribution, $X=\sum_{i=1}^n X_i$, then
\[Pr(X\le -a) \le e^{-a^2/2n}, \forall a > 0.\]Because $Pr(X\le -a)=Pr(2Y-n\le -a) = Pr(Y\le \mu - a/2)$, let $c = a/2$, we have
\[Pr(Y\le \mu-c)\le e^{-4c^2/2n} = e^{-2c^2/n}.\]Let $c = \delta\mu$, we have $Pr(Y\le (1-\delta)\mu)\le e^{-2\delta^2\mu^2/n}=e^{-\delta^2\mu}$.
The problem set-balancing is a.k.a two-coloring a family of vectors. Given $A\in {0,1}^{n\times m}$, find a column vector $b\in {-1,1}^m$ to minimize $|Ab|_\infty$. It arises in statistical experiment designs. Each column of $A$ represents an subject in the experiment, and each row represents a feature. The vector $b$ partitions subjects to two disjoint groups: the treatment group and the control group, such that the number of subjects with each feature is roughly the same.
A randomized algorithm to search the vector $b$ is independently, randomly choose each entry from ${-1,1}$, then $|Ab|_\infty$ can reach $O(\sqrt{m\ln n})$.
For a random vector $b$ with entries independently and with equal probability chosen from ${-1,1}$, then
\[Pr(\|Ab\|_\infty \ge \sqrt{4m\ln n}) \le \frac{2}{n}.\]For the $i$th row of $A$, $1\le i\le n$, the dot product of $A$’s $i$th row and the random vector $b$ \(Z_i=\sum\limits_{j=1}^m a_{ij} b_j.\)
Suppose there are $k$ non-zero elements in the row vector of $A$, $Z_i$ becomes the sum of $k$ independent random variables with $Pr(b_j=1)=Pr(b_j=-1)=1/2$. Applying the Chernoff bounds on Rademacher distribution of two tails, we have
\[Pr(|Z_i| \ge \sqrt{4m\ln n}) \le 2e^{-4m\ln n/2k}\le 2e^{-2\ln n} = \frac{2}{n^2},\]since $m\ge k$. Considering all rows of $A$,
\[\begin{array}{rl} Pr(\|Ab\|_\infty \ge \sqrt{4m\ln n}) & = Pr\big(\cup_{i=1}^n \{|Z_i| \ge \sqrt{4m\ln n}\}\big)\\ &\le \sum\limits_{i=1}^n Pr(|Z_i| \ge \sqrt{4m\ln n}) \le \frac{2}{n}. \end{array}\]A $n$-dimensional hypercube (or $n$-cube) is a directed graph $G=(V,E)$ with $N=2^n$ nodes s.t node $i$ is immediately connected to $j$ iff $h(i, j)=1$, where $h$ is the Hamming distance of $i$ and $j$ in terms of binary representation of length $n$. The total number of directed edges in $G$ is $|E|=2nN$ because the out-degree of each node is exact $n$.
Permutation routing problem is a.k.a oblivious routing problem, where each node in $G$ initially has one packet to deliever and is also the destination of exact one packet. Let $d(i)$ be the destination of the packet of node $i$. Table [tbl:permurouting] demonstrates a permutation routing problem on 3-cube. The two rows present the source and destination node, both are written in the form of binary representation. One row is just a permutation of another row, and it’s where the name of the problem comes from.
$i$ 00 01 01 11 00 11 10 11 -------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- $d(i)$ 00 01 01 11 00 10 01 11
: Permutation Routing Problem
A routing algorithm assigns each pair of nodes a directed path – a sequence of directed edges – connecting the pair. During the routing of packets, one edge may be on the path of more than one packet and one edge can process only one packet per step, it will cause congestion and bottlenecks. To resolve the problem, the routing algorithm should also specify a queueing policy to order packets in the queue and allows at most one packet to pass through the directed edge in each step. If the permutation routing algorithm routes packets only based on their destination, it’s called oblivious routing algorithm.
The performance of a routing algorithm can be measured with the maximum time, or the number of parallel steps required to routing an arbitrary permutation routing problem.
For arbitrary deterministic oblivious permutation routing algorithm on an $n$-cube with $N=2^n$ nodes each of out-degree $n$, there is an instance of permutation routing requiring $\Omega(\sqrt{N/n})$ steps to finish.
Let the route of packet $v_i$ be $\rho_i=(e_1,e_2,\ldots,e_K)$. Let $S_i^I$ be the set of packets (other than $v_i$) whose routes intersect at least one of ${e_1,e_2,\ldots,e_K}$ in $\rho_i$ in Phase I. Then, the delay of $v_i$ is at most $|S_i^I|$.
Suppose $n$ is even, and for packet $v_i$ with its source and destination of forms
\[\begin{array}{rcl} i=&ab= &a_1,\ldots,a_{n/2}, b_1\ldots,b_{n/2},\\ d(i)=&ba=&b_1,\ldots,b_{n/2},a_1,\ldots,a_{n/2}. \end{array}\]There is a node with address $bb$, and the routing algorithm will alway use it to route a pair of $ab\to ba$. However, among $N$ nodes, $2^{n/2}=\sqrt N$ have an address of the form $bb$. The routing algorithm routes at most $n$ packets for each node at each step, because each node has $n$ out-going edges. Therefore, routing all packets requires at least $N/(n\sqrt N)$ steps, it’s $\sqrt N/n$.
The time to deliver packet $v_i$ is at most $n$ plus the delayed steps for queueing at intermediate node in $\rho_i$. We need to compute the expected delay.
We analysis the two phase algorithm, and fix the packet $v_i$ with a route $\rho_i=(e_1,e_2,\ldots,e_K)$ of length $K$. Let $H_j=1$ if a different $\rho_j$ intersects $\rho_i$; otherwise $H_j=0$. Since the intermedia destination is randomly chosen, ${H_j}$ are independent Poisson trials. According to the definition, we have
\[|S_i^I| = \sum_{j=1}^N H_j.\]For an edge $e$ in $G$, let $T(e)$ be the number of routes cross edge $e$. Then, the number of routes intersects $\rho_i$ should not be larger than the number of routes passing through at least one edge in $\rho_i$, i.e.
\[|S_i^I| \le \sum_{t=1}^K T(e_t).\]Therefore, we have $\mathbb E[|S_i^I|] \le \sum_{t=1}^K \mathbb E[T(e_t)]$, where $K$ is also a random variable. Suppose $i=(a_1,a_2,\ldots,a_n)$, and $\sigma(i)=(b_1,b_2,\ldots,b_n)$, the times taken to deliver packet $v_i$ from $i$ to $\sigma(i)$ is the Hamming distance between $i$ and its intermediate destination $\sigma(i)$. Let $Z_t=1$ if $a_t\ne b_t$; otherwise $Z_t=0$, $1\le t\le n$. Further, $K = \sum_{t=1}^n Z_t$ and $\mathbb E[K]=n/2$ for ${Z_t}$ are independent Bernoulli random variables with parameter $1/2$.
Besides, $\forall e \in E$, $T(e)$s are the same, and thus independent from $K$. We get
\[\mathbb E[|S_i^I|] = \mathbb E[\mathbb E[|S_i^I|\big|K]] \le \mathbb E[\mathbb E[\sum_{t=1}^K T(e_t)\big| K]]=\mathbb E[K T(e)] = \mathbb E[K] \mathbb E[T(e)] = \frac{n}{2} \mathbb E[T(e)].\]According to the definition
\[T(e) = \sum_{k=1}^N I(\rho_k \text{ crosses }e)=\sum_{k=1}^N Pr(\rho_k \text{ crosses }e).\]Let $e=(b_1,\ldots,b_{j-1}, a_j, a_{j+1},\ldots,a_n)\to(b_1,\ldots,b_{j-1}, b_j, a_{j+1},\ldots,a_n)$ corresponding the bit-fixing on the $j$th entry. To cross the edge $e$, the origin of the route must be $(,,\ldots,, a_j,\ldots, a_n)$ and the destination of the route be $(b_1,\ldots,b_{j-1}, b_j,,,\ldots,)$, where $*$-bit’s value does not matter.
The possible number of routes with the specific form of origins are $2^{j-1}$, and for any fixed origin (route), the probability that the destination of the route has the specific form is $Pr(b_1,\ldots,b_{j-1}, b_j,,,\ldots,*)=2^{n-j}/2^n=2^{-j}$, then
\[\begin{aligned} \mathbb E[T(e)]& =&2^{j-1} 2^{-j}=1/2,\\ \mathbb E[|S_i^I|] &\le &n/4.\end{aligned}\]Let $R=3n/2 \ge 6\mathbb E[|S_1|]$, $Pr(|S_i^I|\ge R) = Pr(|S_1| \ge 3n/2) \le 2^{-R}=2^{-3n/2}$. Using union bound for $N$ packets, we get
\[Pr\big(\cup_{i=1}^N \{|S_i^I| \ge 3n/2\}\big) \le N 2^{-3n/2}=2^{-n/2}.\]It’s for the Phase I, and Phase II runs Phase I backward. Therefore, we can conclude that: with probability at least $1-2^{-n/2}$, all packets are delivered in at most $n + 3n/2 * 2=5n$ steps. The randomized 2-Phase routing algorithm can route all packets to their destination in $O(n)$ time with probability close to $1$.
The probability method is a way of proving the existence of an object. To prove the existence, there are two important principles:
Simple Counting: constructing an appropriate probability space $\mathcal S$ of objects, and then show that the probability that an object in $\mathcal S$ with the required properties is selected is positive. Since the probability is positive, it must exist.
Averaging Argument: a random variable – in a discrete probability space – must with a positive probability assume at least one value that is not greater than its expectation, and at least one value that is not smaller than its expectation.
It’s applied to solve some complicated problems and requires many advanced techniques for constructing proof.
If $X$ is a non-negative integer-valued random variable, then
\[Pr(X=0)\le \frac{Var(X)}{(\mathbb E[X])^2}.\]Apply Chebyshev’s inequality,
\[Pr(X=0)\le Pr(|X - \mathbb E[X]| \ge \mathbb E[X]) \le \frac{\mathbb E[X-\mathbb E[X]]}{(\mathbb E[X])^2} = \frac{Var(X)}{(\mathbb E[X])^2}.\]Let $X=\sum_{i=1}^n X_i$ where each $X_i$ is a Bernoulli random variable. Then
\[Pr(X>0) \ge \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{Pr(X_i=1)}{\mathbb E[X|X_i=1]}.\]Let $Y=1/X$ if $X>0$, and $Y=0$ otherwise. It’s obvious, $Pr(X>0)=\mathbb E[XY]$. Then
\[\begin{array}{rl} \mathbb E[XY] & = \sum_{i=1}^n \mathbb E[X_iY] = \sum_{i=1}^n \big[\mathbb E[X_iY|X_i=0]Pr(X_i=0) + \mathbb E[X_iY|X_i=1]Pr(X_i=1)\big]\\ & = \sum_{i=1}^n \mathbb E[X_iY|X_i=1]Pr(X_i=1) = \sum_{i=1}^n \mathbb E[Y|X_i=1]Pr(X_i=1)\\ & =\sum_{i=1}^n \mathbb E[1/X|X_i=1]Pr(X_i=1) = \sum_{i=1}^n [\sum_{x} \frac{Pr[X=x|X_i=1]}{x}]Pr(X_i=1) \\ & \ge \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{Pr(X_i=1)}{\sum_{x} xPr[X=x|X_i=1]} = \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{Pr(X_i=1)}{\mathbb E[X|X_i=1]}, \end{array}\]where the Jensen’s inequality is used since $f(x)=1/x$ is convex.
Suppose a large number of events in the probability space happens with probability less than 1, and there are independent from each other, there must exist a positive probability that none of these events occur. The Lovász local lemma relax the mutually independency with a weak partially independency, and arrives the same conclusion.
A dependency graph for a set of events $E_1, E_2, \ldots, E_n$ is a graph $G(V,E)$ such that $V={1,2,\ldots,n}$, and for $i=1,\ldots,n$, event $E_i$ is mutually independent of the events ${E_j|(i,j)\ne E}$.
Let $E_1,E_2,\ldots,E_n$ be a set of events, and assume that the following hold
$Pr(E_i)\le p < 1,\forall i = 1, 2,\ldots,n$
the degree of $G$ is bounded by $d$
$4pd \le 1$
\[Pr\big(\bigcap_{i=1}^n \bar E_i\big) > 0.\]We note that $Pr\big(\bigcap_{i=1}^n \bar E_i\big) = \prod_{i=1}^n Pr(\bar E_i|\bigcap_{j=1}^{i-1} \bar E_j)$. Let $S\subset {1,\ldots,n}$, we prove by induction on $s=0,1,\ldots,n-1$ that
\[\label{eq:lll_lemma} Pr\big(E_k|\bigcap_{j\in S} \bar E_j\big) \le 2p < 1,\forall k\not\in S\]if $ | S | \le s$. Based on it, we can proof $Pr\big(\bigcap_{j\in S} \bar E_j\big) > 0$. |
If $s=0$, or $S={\varnothing}$, $Pr\big(E_k|\bigcap_{j\in S} \bar E_j\big) = Pr(E_k)\le p < 2p$. Let’s show that it’s true for any non-empty $S$. Based on the statement in for $s \ge 1$, we show $Pr\big(\bigcap_{j\in S} \bar E_j\big) > 0$.
If $s=1$, we can immediate get $Pr(\bar E_i) = 1- Pr(E_i) \ge 1 - p >0$, which is not dependent on the statement in . , w.l.o.g let $S={1,2,\ldots, s}$, we show
\[\label{eq:lll} \begin{array}{rl} Pr\big(\bigcap_{i=1}^s \bar E_i\big) & = \prod_{i=1}^s Pr(\bar E_i|\bigcap_{j=1}^{i-1} \bar E_j)\\ & = \prod_{i=1}^s [1 - Pr(E_i|\bigcap_{j=1}^{i-1} \bar E_j)]\\ & \ge \prod_{i=1}^s (1-2p) > 0. \end{array}\]We . Let $S_1={j\in S|(k, j)\in E}$, $S_2={j\in S|(k, j)\not\in E}$, $F_S=\bigcap_{i\in S} \bar E_i$. If $S_2=S$, $E_k$ is mutually independent of the events $\bar E_j,\forall j\in S$, and thus
\[Pr(E_k|F_S) = Pr(E_k) \le p \le 2p.\]For $ | S_2 | < s$, apply Bayes’ theorem, we have |
\[\begin{array}{rl} Pr(F_{S_1}|F_{S_2}) & = Pr(\bigcap_{i\in S_1} \bar E_i|F_{S_2}) = 1-Pr(\bigcup_{i\in S_1} E_i|F_{S_2})\\ & \ge 1-\sum_{i\in S_1} Pr(E_i|F_{S_2}) = 1-|S_1| 2p \ge 1-2dp \ge 1/2. \end{array}\]Using the fact that $ | S_1 | \le d$ and $4dp\le 1$, and | |
the assumption $Pr(E_i | F_{S}) \le 2p, | S | <s$. |
\[Pr(E_k\cap F_{S_1}|F_{S_2}) \le Pr(E_k|F_{S_2}) = Pr(E_k) \le p.\]Therefore, $Pr(E_k|F_S)\le 2p$, $\forall S$ with $|S|\le s$. Plug $s=n$ in , we get $Pr\big(\bigcap_{i=1}^n \bar E_i\big) > 0$.
Let $G(V,E)$ be a dependency graph for events $E_1,E_2,\ldots,E_n$ in a probability space. Suppose that there exist $x_i\in[0,1], \forall 1\le i \le n$ such that
\[Pr(E_i) \le x_i\prod_{(i,j)\in E} (1-x_i).\]Then
\[Pr\big(\bigcap_{i=1}^n \bar E_i\big) \ge \prod_{i=1}^n (1-x_i).\]Let $S\subset {1,2,\ldots,n}$. We first prove by induction on $s=|S|=0,1,\ldots, n-1$ that
\[Pr(E_k|\cap_{j\in S} \bar E_j) \le x_i,\forall k\not\in S.\]The base case $s=0$ or $S={\varnothing}$ follows from the assumption on the probabilities $Pr(E_i)$. For $s\ge 1$, let $S_1={j\in S|(k, j)\in E}$, $S_2={j\in S|(k, j)\not\in E}$, $F_S=\bigcap_{i\in S} \bar E_i$. Apply the definition of conditional probability,
\[Pr(E_k|F_S) = \frac{Pr(E_k\cap F_{S_1}|F_{S_2})}{Pr(F_{S_1}|F_{S_2})}.\]Denominator: let $S_1={j_1,j_2,\ldots,j_r}$,
\[\begin{array}{rl} Pr(F_{S_1}|F_{S_2}) & = Pr(\cap_{j\in S_1} \bar E_j|F_{S_2})\\ & = \prod_{t=1}^r Pr(\bar E_{j_t}|F_{S_2}\cap_{u=1}^{t-1} \bar E_{j_u})\\ & = \prod_{t=1}^r \big[1 - Pr(E_{j_t}|F_{S_2}\cap_{u=1}^{t-1} \bar E_{j_u})\big]\\ & \le \prod_{t=1}^r \big[1 - x_{j_t}\big]=\prod_{j\in S_1} \big[1-x_j\big]. \end{array}\]Numerator:
\[Pr(E_k\cap F_{S_1}|F_{S_2}) \le Pr(E_k|F_{S_2}) = Pr(E_k) \le x_k\prod_{j\in S_1}\big[1-x_j\big].\]It follows that
\[\begin{array}{rl} Pr(E_k|F_S) & \le \frac{x_k\prod_{j\in S_1}(1-x_j)}{\prod_{j\in S_1} (1-x_j)} = x_k,\\ Pr\big(\bigcap_{i=1}^n \bar E_i\big) & = \prod_{i=1}^n Pr(\bar E_i|\cap_{j=1}^{i-1} \bar E_j) \ge \prod_{i=1}^n (1-x_i). \end{array}\]There are 40 sailors. After finish the tasks, they return back to their beds randomly. What the expected number of sailors who choose their original bunk beds? What the probability of no sailor chooses his or her original bunk?
Solution: (1) Let $X_i$ is a binary indicator represents whether sailor $i$ ($1 \le i \le n$) chooses his or her original bed. Assuming that sailors’ choices are independent, i.e. multiple sailors are allowed to pick the same bed. Since each sailor has one different original bed, therefore $X_i$ obeys Bernoulli distribution, i.e. $P(X_i=1) = 1/n$ and $P(X_i=0) = 1-1/n$. The number of sailors who choose their original beds could be written as $X=\sum_{i=1}^n X_i$. According to the linearity of expectation, we see that $\mathbb E(X) = \sum_{i=1}^n \mathbb E(X_i)$, and $\mathbb E(X_i) = P(X_i=1) = 1/n$, then $\mathbb E(X)=\sum_{i=1}^n \mathbb E(X_i) = 1$.
(2) We know that $X=\sum_{i=1}^n$ obeys Binomial distribution, therefore we can compute the probability of $X=m$ where $0\le m\le n$, i.e. $P(X=m)=\binom{n}{m} (1/n)^m (1-1/n)^{n-m}$. Therefore, the probability of no sailor chooses his or her original bunk bed is $P(X=0) = 1 - \sum_{m=1}^n P(X=m) = \binom{n}{0} (1-1/n)^n = (1-1/40)^{40}$.
There are 100 strings in a box. In each step, two string ends are picked at random, tied together and put back into the box. The process is repeated until there are no free ends. What is the expected number of loops at the end of the process?
Solution: Let $X_t$ be the number of loops in the box at step $t$ and $Y_t$ be the number of free ends in the box, where $t=0,1,\ldots$. Therefore, the number of strings with free ends is $Z_t=Y_t/2$. When $t=1$, $X_1=0$, $Y_1=2n$ and $Z_1=n$. In each step, two string ends are randomly picked and tied together. The operation will produce two possible outcomes, (i) the two ends come from the same string, it will form a new loop; (ii) the ends come from different string, it will form a longer string with two free ends.
Starting from step $t$, when case (i) occurs $X_{t+1}=X_t + 1$, and $X_{t+1} = X_t$ when case (ii) occurs. Meanwhile, we have $Y_{t+1} = Y_t - 2$ and $Z_{t+1} = Z_t - 1$, the number of free ends reduces by 2, and the number of strings with free ends reduces by 1. There are $n$ free strings, and it terminates after $n$ steps.
Let $U_t$ indicates a binary indicator to represent whether the random operation in step $t$ forms a new loop, i.e. $U_t={0,1}$. To obtain a new loop, the two free ends randomly chose in step should come from the same string. It’s easy to compute $P(U_t=1) = Z_t/\binom{Y_t}{2} = 2 Z_t/[Y_t*(Y_t-1)] = 1/(Y_t-1)$, and $P(U_t=0) = 1 - P(U_t=0)$.
According to the above results, we can get the number of loops at the end of the process \(X_n = X_1 + \sum_{t=1}^n U_t.\) With the fact that $\mathbb E(U_t) = P(U_t=1)$, we have
\[\begin{aligned} \mathbb E(X_n) & = & X_1 + \sum_{t=1}^n \mathbb E(U_t) = \sum_{t=1}^n P(U_t=1) = \sum_{t=1}^n 1/(Y_t - 1)\\ & = & 1/(2n-1) + 1/(2n-3) + \cdots + 1/3 + 1/1\end{aligned}\]Roll a standard dice to generate a sequence $d_1,d_2,\ldots,d_R$, where $R$ is the first integer s.t. $d_R$ is even. What’s the expected sum $d=\sum_i d_i$?
Solution: $\mathbb E(d) = \sum_{k=1}^\infty \mathbb E (\sum_i (d_i)|R=k) Pr(R=k)$. Since there are $p=1/2$ probability to get an even number in rolling a dice, i.e. $Pr(R=k) = (1/2)^{k-1}(1/2) = (1/2)^k$, then $\mathbb E(d) = \sum_{k=1}^\infty \sum_i \mathbb E(d_i|R=k) Pr(R=k) = \sum_{k=1}^\infty \sum_i E(d_i|R=k) 2^{-k}$.
Let’s compute $\mathbb E(d_i|R=k)$, $i=1,2,\ldots, R$. When $i<R$, $d_i$ is odd, we get $Pr(d_i=1|R=k) = Pr(d_i=3|R=k) = Pr(d_i=5|R=k) = 1/3$ and $\mathbb E(d_i|R=k) = (1+3+5)/3=3$. When $i=R$, $d_i$ is even, and $Pr(d_i|R=k)=1/3$. The possible values for $d_R$ is ${2,4,6}$ and the expectation $\mathbb E(d_i\vert R=k) = (2+4+6)/3=4$. Therefore, we have
\[\mathbb E(d) = \sum_{k=1}^\infty [3(k-1) + 4] 2^{-k} =3\sum_{k=0}^\infty k 2^{-k} + 4 \sum_{k=1}^\infty 2^{-k}.\]The geometric distribution $G(p)$ has expectation $1/p$, and $\sum_{k=0}^\infty k 2^{-k} = 2$. As for $\sum_{k=1}^\infty 2^{-k} = 1/2/[1-(1/2)] = 1$. As a result, we have $\mathbb E(d) = 3\times 2+4\times 1=10$.
Given $a\in \mathbb R$, prove that $Var (aX) = a^2 Var X$.
Proof: $Var(aX) = \mathbb E(aX - \mathbb E(aX))^2 = \mathbb E(a^2X^2 - 2aX\mathbb E(aX) + a^2(\mathbb E(X))^2) = a^2 \mathbb E(X^2) - 2a^2[\mathbb E(X)]^2 + a^2 [\mathbb E(X)]^2 = a^2 (\mathbb E(X^2) - (\mathbb E(X))^2) = a^2 Var X$.
Let $X_i$ be iid random variables, $1\le i\le n$. Given $\mu=\mathbb E(X_i)$ and $\sigma^2=Var(X_i)$. Suppose $X=\sum_{i=1}^n X_i/n$, show the best upper bound for $Pr(X\ge \delta)$, if $\delta > \mu$.
Solution: Because $X_i$ are iid, then $\mathbb E(X) = \sum_{i=1}^n\mathbb E(X_i)/n=\mu$, $\sigma_X^2=Var(X_i)/n = \sigma^2/n$. Therefore, we have
\[\begin{array}{rl} Pr(X\ge \delta) & = Pr(X-\mu_X\ge \delta - \mu_X) \le Pr(|X-\mu_X|\ge (\delta - \mu_X))\\ & \le Var(X)/(\delta - \mu_X)^2\\ & = \frac{\sigma^2}{n(\delta-\mu)^2}. \end{array}\]Assigning $n$ individuals to two groups: control group and treatment group. Each individual is assigned to the control group with probability $P(X_i=1)=1/2$. Argue that the size of the control group is $n/2\pm O(\sqrt{n\ln n})$ with probability $\ge 1-1/n$.
Let $X_i$ denote the $i$th individual is assigned to the control group. Then $Pr(X_i=1)=Pr(X_i=0)=1/2$, $X=\sum_{i=1}^n X_i$ is the size of the control group, and $\mu=\mathbb E[X]=n/2$. According to the Chernoff bounds $Pr(|X-\mu|\ge a)\le e^{-2a^2/n},\forall 0 < a < \mu$, $Pr(|X-\mu| \le c\sqrt{n\ln n}) = 1 - Pr(|X-\mu| \ge c\sqrt{n\ln n})$. Let $a=c\sqrt{n\ln n}$, plugging into the above inequality gives
\[Pr(|X-\mu| \le c\sqrt{n\ln n}) \ge 1 - e^{-2c^2\ln n} = 1 - n^{-2c^2}.\]Assign $c=1/\sqrt 2$, then $Pr(|X-\mu| \le c\sqrt{n\ln n}) \ge 1 - 1/n$. We end the proof.